Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Without the right purpose

"Without the right purpose, you will always be unsatisfied."

What is the purpose of people in life?
-Here are some friends' answers-

"To have many GF's for the rest of my life" -Richard

"To achieve more in candy crush" -Angel

"To have good grades" -Jake

"... to be successful" -Daniel

"Honor God and Make disciples!!!" -Catrina

"My  purpose is to be a blessing to others..." -Collins

"To glorify God!" -Patricia

"To share God's word!! Make disciples!!! Win souls!!" -Danica

"Live for God....." -Arnel

"To live for Christ who died for me." Elaine 

"To honor and glorify God." -Camille

The real meaning of purpose is in the Greek word Telos (purpose) meaning "an object to aim."

Purpose is something that makes a person or any being strive! But what if you have fulfill your purpose? What now? You'll sit there and wait for your lifetime to pass
? A real purpose is ongoing  and it can be passed to the next generation. A purpose must be given, not made. Well-made by the Maker of all things and passed throughout the generations.

How about you what's your purpose? Is that purpose genuine enough to stand and make a change? Can it be passed to the next generation?
"A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance." -Jesus

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